Wow, it has been over three years since I have written. I was thinking about all the changes that have taken place since Covid arrived in my life and lives of family and loved ones. So much devastation with violence, loss of life, jobs, relationships and health. We were separated, stay six feet apart. We were shut in, stay home. We were not able to gather in large groups such as attend church or social events. We were controlled, lied to, forced to wear masks and shut up. All these things and more. It was all part of a narrative to scare us, keep us in fear and worry and to destroy humanity. We were lied to about everything. Our health has not only been affected physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well.
We have been separated by race, gender, politics, ethnicity and such. Families are more divided and separated then ever. People are not meeting in person, its all virtual and without feeling. Humans are not designed to live this way. We are beings that thrive on relationship with everything. Everything we do is in relationship to something else. Every choice we make, action we take, thought we create has a cause and affect. For example, my family, children have pulled away from me because of my choices and actions. Our family unit and relationships have broken down during these trying times. There are lessons to be learned with all of this. I realize that we are all entitled to our own beliefs and choices as we should be. We live in a free will, choice paradigm and each has their own path and life to live. We are all unique and different which makes each of us special. The lesson for me is to learn to love more unconditionally and be more allowing, accepting of where each other is in life. I love my kids and I know they love me as well. They have their own lessons to learn and work through as well. In spite of all the negative dark things that have taken place, it only makes the light brighter and humanities evolution closer to the divine which we seek. It truly is: "The End of The World As We Know It." There is much to be grateful and hopeful for. My encouragement to you is to be joyful and happy. Look for those things that bring you joy. Simple, little things even. Be nurturing to those around you. Give hugs, loving touch, eye gazes. Do not be afraid of one another but be open, compassionate and giving. Now is the time more then ever that we need connection on all levels, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I hope your Christmas is a special one. With much love and gratitude, Phil and Susan